27 November 2011

Who Gave This Kid a Blog?!

It's a luke warm 76 degrees in room, sunny outside, leaving the house isn't an option. There appears to be this annoying awkward sensation in the back of my head, either my brain is revolting or a song is brewing...either way, should be an interesting day.

I've been trying to conceive the greatest "knock, knock" joke ever told, so far I have "knock, knock"...which on any given day is a pretty good way to start a conversation.

Wrote five parts last night, no song has managed to form, just random beeps and farts. I'm on my fifth cup of coffee...six is where things start getting weird.

Let's see, what's in the news? Says here that they are going to shut down Occupy Philadelphia. That's a bummer. I really should care more about this...what has been on my mind that makes me this apathetic to a good cause?

My friend Pat made a music video for one of the songs off the new record. It turned out pretty rad, simple and fun...

Looks like Mike Bell™ and the Movies are going to be heading back out on the road in March. This one is going to be a bit longer and take us farther then the last one. If you want to book us in your basement send an email to michaeltbell@gmail.com (did you know the dots in your gmail address don't mean anything, just filler? no joke, michael.t.bell is the same shit as michaeltbell...fuckin' internets, right?)

7th: Lancaster, PA (TBD)
8th: Baltimore, MD (TBD)
9th: Richmond, VA (TBD)
10th: Charlotte, NC (TBD)
11th: Atlanta, GA (The Cottage)
12th: Tallahassee, FL (TBD)
13th: New Orleans, LA (Need Help)
14th: South
15th: By
16th: Southwest
17th: Denton, TX (TBD)
18th: Little Rock, AR (Need Help)
19th: Birmingham, AL (Need Help)
20th: Chattanooga, TN (Need Help)
21st: Asheville, NC (Need Help)
22nd: Charlottesville, VA (Need Help)
23rd: Washington, DC (Need Help)
24th: Philadelphia, PA (TBD)

All dates marked TBD mean that someone is already working on a show for us, but haven't confirmed a venue yet. The dates marked South By Southwest mean we will be living in Austin, TX for three days during the fest. During these three days we plan on playing any and every show we can get our hands on. If you live in Austin, or just in town for the fest, and can help us get on as many possible shows in those three days, that would be most excellent.

Here's a song I didn't write but a topic very much on my mind today:

Till the next rant...

Be Excellent to Each Other.

Mike Bell

For Music
For Friendship
For Boredom

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